Accept crypto payments


and settle in cash or crypto

     -straight to your account.

-Crypto in -Cash out -Easy

With our payment solution you can accept crypto payments online, in retail stores and settle in your local currency or crypto.

- As easy as you can say ‘ja’ (yes).

Simple yet powerful.

Seamless API integration

Merchant settlement in crypto or cash

▶ Quick bank settlement

▶ Full regulatory compliance

Accept 20+ crypto currencies

▶ Works with all crypto wallets

▶ Supported in 180+ countries

-Yes, we did it again.

Tailor your solution as you like.

Accept crypto payments

Select accepted currencies

Invoice in crypto, settle in your preferred currency

Deposit and withdraw crypto anytime & anywhere

A simple dashboard overview of

 -all the important things

Keep track of everything going in and out on your dashboard.

Human support all the way

People helping each other is just part of Scandinavian happiness. A real person helping your team in real time, if needed. That’s just how we roll.

-Say ‘hej’ to Reka.