Buy or sell crypto as a business
Grow your business by taking full advantage of crypto currencies
We offer a market leading portal to convert funds between classical fiat currencies, and crypto currencies.
Secure, simple and quick to get started
Since 2014 Coinify has been a reliable partner to businesses globally, in dealing with crypto in a safe, and fully compliant manner. It’s our thing. Like ryebread.
Sign up. Select your crypto. Buy. Easy.
As part of the sign up you need to complete a simple ‘know your business’ (KYB):
★ Provide basic information about your business
★ Upload required documents
★ Get verified in 2 to 3 business days

Buy a wide selection of the most popular crypto currencies
The freedom of choice is yours. Scandinavian style.
Get started now
Join thousands of businesses already using Coinify’s solution to accept, buy or sell crypto. It's free to sign up and use.